Toggle Level of Bus Channel Strips — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Level of Bus Channel Strips

Exactly what it says — toggle the level of a Bus Channel Strip.

bus channel strip A type of channel strip in the Environment Mixer layer included for backward compatibility with projects created in older versions of Logic. Aux channel strips perform the functions that the bus channel strips performed in earlier versions of the application.

The buses (all 256 of them) are simply there. Always ready. Always on. Why would I want to toggle the levels?

Set channel strip volume levels — Logic Pro X Help

You can set the volume level of each channel strip independently, balancing the relative volume of the tracks in your project. You can also quickly switch between two different volume levels on a channel strip.

You can’t even see bus channel strips in the mixer…they don’t exist. BUT…If I open the MIDI Environment and create a new Bus Channel Strip, poof, there it is. In the Environment. So? Let’s change its channel number to ‘Bus 16’.

If I add a send to ‘Bus 16’ on one of my existing channels the bus channel strip shows up in the mixer. I can do things to the bus channel which will affect the signal that reaches the AUX channel where my reverb (or whatever) is.

What is it good for? I can imagine using the Bus Channel Strip like a VCA for all of the sends. Change the level of input without having to adjust all of the many channels that might be sending, and without changing the output level of the AUX.

At the minimum I may be able to help my friend Phil get over his need for buses to be the channel strips. Hard to reconcile that buses are simply cables. In reality, they can be far more…let me ponder the error of my ways…

New Mapped Instrument — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  New Mapped Instrument

You need to be working in the MIDI Environment.

Mapped instruments in the Logic Pro Environment — Apple Support

A mapped instrument is particularly useful for drum instruments or any drum-mode MIDI device. A drum-mode device has different sounds assigned to different MIDI notes, but only uses a single MIDI channel; for example, a drum kit loaded into the Sampler, or MIDI channel 10 of a GM-compliant sound module, or a drum machine.


Show/Hide Environment ⌃⌘0 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Environment  ⌃⌘0

Toggles the open Environment window. As expected, it behaves in odd ways when multiple Environment windows are open. In my case it closed one window, then the next, and wouldn’t show either window again.

The multiple windows of the same “name” is problematic since it sort of violates the entire windowing scheme of most Mac applications.


New Audio Channel Strip — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  New Audio Channel Strip

Creates a new audio channel strip in the environment. Currently this option is greyed-out so I can’t actually test to see what it does. To change that I have to turn off “Automatic Management of Channel Strip objects” in the “Project Settings”.

The only reason I can think of for using the Environment for me is to place processing on an input channel — print the effect into the recording.

New Audio Track ⌥⌘A ⌃6⃣ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day — learning at the elbow of the internet

Creates a new Audio Track after the currently selected track.


New Keyboard — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  New Keyboard

Creates a new keyboard in the environment. See the ample? documentation about the environment to discover what it can do and why you might want to venture into the strange world of ⌘0.

Keyboard objects — Logic Pro X

You can use a keyboard object to create notes with the mouse. A keyboard object also displays all notes passing through it. In this sense, you can think of it as a real-time, MIDI note on monitor. Although you can record the output of the keyboard in Logic Pro, its main purpose is for testing and monitoring in the Environment.