Double Cycle/Loop Length ⌥⇧⌘. — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day (KCotD)

  Double Cycle/Loop Length   ⌥⇧⌘.

Doubles the cycle length. The cycle area is lengthened in a forward motion. This becomes important if you change your mind and want to ‘Halve Cycle/Loop Length ⌥⇧⌘, — Halving shifts the start of the cycle forward in time. The only way to make the cycle smaller leaving the start position alone is by moving the cycle end mark backwards

Use the cycle area in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can use the cycle area to repeatedly play a particular part of a project. The cycle area can be used for composing, practicing a part before recording, recording multiple takes, and other purposes.

Change loop settings for cells in Live Loops for Logic Pro — Apple Support

Loop Length: Determines the length of the loop. Changing the Loop Length value can be useful when you want to loop only a particular portion of a cell.

Set Locators/Loop by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle/Loop ⌘U — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Set Locators/Loop by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle/Loop  ⌘U

Set the locators based on the current selection. I usually prefer the action of setting the locators by command as opposed to using the auto-set locators.

Use the cycle area in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee: Sets the locators at the start and end points of the selected regions or events, or the marquee selection.

Set Right Locator by Playhead — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Right Locator by Playhead

The “Set Right/Left Locator by Playhead” commands are buttons that can be added to the control bar. Some very useful documentation in Logic Pro 9 manuals describing how to use cycle modes. Skip cycle is kind of interesting.

I need to use cycle areas to create markers a lot more than I do. Define the cycle area — typically select something and use the ‘Set Locators/Loop by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle/Loop ⌘U’ command. Grab the cycle area in the ruler and drag it down to the marker ruler. A new marker is created waiting for text input…ideal.

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Using Cycle Mode

Set Left Locator by Playhead and Set Right Locator by Playhead: The current playhead position is used to define the left or right locator value. Also available as key commands.


Toggle Auto Set Locators — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Auto Set Locators

That’s a very nifty, hidden set of commands there. I went hunting in the ‘Key Commands’ and could only find ‘Toggle Auto Set Locators’. There appear to be no sub-commands for the options of

by Marquee selection
by Region selection
by Note selection

but there is a hint that the ‘Auto Set Locators’ command can be found in the global menu. Where? Good question.

At the bottom of the Navigate menu I find ‘Auto Set Locators’ and the variations.

Using the Marquee selection to automatically set the cycle area would improve my workflow nicely…I can see the cycle range on the ruler far easier than seeing the Marquee ruler, and if Cycle is on it is very clear where the Marquee selection is.

The ‘Auto Set Locators’ menu items can be discovered by holding down the mouse on the ‘Cycle’ button in the Control Bar.

See the documentation here — Use the cycle area — Logic Pro X