Snap Automation Mode: 1/16 Triplet (1/24) — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Snap Automation Mode: 1/16 Triplet (1/24)

Automating performance characteristics is something I wanted in 1990. Seeing a 1/16th triplet describe as a 1/24th note is intriguing, but only because it makes sense when trying to regularize time for performance. What would 1/24th note look like?

Snap automation to grid positions — Logic Pro X

You can snap track automation to grid positions. You can choose if you want automation to automatically use the division value chosen in the Snap menu, or you can choose a different snap value for automation.


Set All Tracks to Automation Touch ⌃⇧⌘T — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set All Tracks to Automation Touch    ⌃⇧⌘T

My normal starting state is to have Read automation turned on. Whatever automation there is gets applied. When mixing the state should be changed to Touch — whatever is there is read until you change a parameter (move a fader) which is in effect until you stop movement at which point automation is again Read.

I would probably use this command at the start of a first pass for a mix letting me alter all of the tracks as I need to. As mixing progresses, or focus on certain sections becomes important it might be better to set all the tracks to Read and only enable Touch on the important tracks.

Choose automation modes — Logic Pro X

Automation modes determine how automation tracks are treated. Automation is either being read or being written. You can independently set the automation mode for each track. You can also trim automation values and record relative automation data.

The X-Touch (I use X-Touch and MCU and Logic Control interchangeably) has an entire section of buttons and modes dedicated to automation. It makes sense since the automation is often applied from a physical controller — so much easier than turning knobs with a mouse…

Mackie Control automation buttons — Control Surfaces Help

Hold down the OPTION button, then press one of the Automation buttons to assign the selected automation mode to all channels. When an automation mode has been assigned to all channels, the corresponding automation mode button LED illuminates whenever you hold down the OPTION button.


Region Automation: Control Change 27 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Region Automation: Control Change 27

Select CC27 for Region Automation. There a lots of things that can be automated. When you “Display Automation” for a track (happens if you use this command) you can see the enormous set of parameters that can be manipulated. You can even automate a change of MIDI channel!

Automation is the “program” that is applied to the tracks in the project. The sounds that are made come from the MIDI instruments or audio files that “sound” at a point in time. What happens to the sound is modified by plugins. All of the things that can occur over time — changes to plugins, volume, pan, all of it — the automation — is the program that gets written to create the finished product.

It appears that almost every single bit of what Logic can do is available as an “automation” parameter. We program the environment through automation, and allow real-time control to be applied — and recorded!

From the past — “MIDI Draw” — need to check old manuals to learn more about this. This leads me back to the days of Opcode Vision and the entire MIDI orchestra world.

Use the Automation/MIDI area in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X:

When track-based automation is displayed in the Automation/MIDI area, the displayed automation curve is identical to the automation curve displayed in the automation lane in the Tracks area. Any adjustments to the automation curve made in either location is reflected immediately in the other. However, with region-based automation, you can choose to display either the automation curve associated with the region in the Tracks area automation lane or the MIDI data associated with individual notes. Therefore, with region-based automation it is possible to have the automation lane in the Tracks area showing the automation curve associated with the region and the Automation/MIDI area displaying MIDI data associated with each note (or vice versa).


Set Automation Select Tool — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Automation Select Tool

The performance part of mixing, mastering, and editing sound. Just as sound occurs over time the changes of the sounds do as well. Being able to copy or move automation is just as important as being able to copy a chorus or a verse. There is value in reproducible “movement”.

I’m just reminding myself that automation is my friend and I should remember to use it as a mixing tool. I don’t always have to create a region to make some simple fader moves.

Select, copy, and move automation — Logic Pro X

After you create automation points and curves, you can easily change things to meet your needs. You can copy automation within a track or between tracks and can move automation within a track. When moving regions, you can choose whether or not to move any existing automation with it.


Create 1 Track Automation Point at Region Borders ⌃⇧⌘1 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Create 1 Track Automation Point at Region Borders  ⌃⇧⌘1

Creates automation points that can be used to change the automation of the entire region. Create the points, grab the “curve” and move it.

Region-based vs. track-based automation — Logic Pro X

Logic Pro offers two types of automation: track-based automation, and region-based automation. Track-based automation can be applied to the entire track, from the beginning to the end of your project. Region-based automation only applies to the specific region the automation parameters are connected to. With track-based automation, if you re-record, move or copy regions (either to another point on the same track, or to another track) the automation data remains tied to the initial point on the track in which it was created. With region-based automation, if you re-record the region, the automation is lost; if you move or copy the region (either to another point on the same track, or to another track) the automation remains with the region. Region-based automation is particularly useful when you are automating instrument parameters.