New Project Alternative… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  New Project Alternative…

Create a new alternative for a project. You will be asked if you want to save changes before the alternative is created. You now have a starting point for the project to begin changes. You can return to the previous alternative by selecting it from the Project menu.

Sort of like a ‘save as’ without replicating all of the assets and other things. I use alternatives whenever I am working with a live set of music. One alternative for each song.

Use Logic Pro project alternatives and backups — Apple Support

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can create alternative versions of a project, each with a unique name and different settings. Project alternatives let you save “snapshots” of a project in different states, including different cuts or mixes. They’re saved as part of the project and share the same assets. Alternatives for the current project appear in the File > Project Alternatives submenu.

Export Alternative as Project… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Export Alternative as Project…

This is a convenient way to preserve an alternative, possibly building extra work into the task of managing projects. It might be the right answer for step-by-step training, as long as the exported projects point to assets correctly.

Use Logic Pro project alternatives and backups — Apple Support

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can create alternative versions of a project, each with a unique name and different settings. Project alternatives let you save “snapshots” of a project in different states, including different cuts or mixes. They’re saved as part of the project and share the same assets. Alternatives for the current project appear in the File > Project Alternatives submenu.

Apple doesn’t provide much in the way of understanding how to use Project Alternatives.

Eli Krantzberg provides a little more insight…

A is for Alternatives In The A To Z Of Logic Pro | Logic Pro

An obvious choice for the letter A might be automation. I did Alias in my original series. But I’d like to focus here on Alternatives. Specifically Project Alternatives. How many of us actually use project alternatives? Why do we like, or not like, them? I have to confess, like many old time Logic users, I have been slow to make the transition to project alternatives, versus the good old fashion “save as” routine we’ve used for years when needing to version a project in progress.

Edit Project Alternatives — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Edit Project Alternatives

I use Project Alternatives a lot. I find them very valuable when working with long sessions like a live set. I create regions and markers for each “song” in the set and create a different alternative for working on each song.

When editing alternatives you can rename or remove them.


Edit Project Alternatives — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Edit Project Alternatives

Rename or delete alternatives. I find alternatives to be very useful dealing with sets of recorded music. Each song in a set gets it’s own alternative.

Use project alternatives and backups — Logic Pro X

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can create alternative versions of a project, each with a unique name and different settings. Project alternatives let you save “snapshots” of a project in different states, including different cuts or mixes. They’re saved as part of the project and share the same assets. Alternatives for the current project appear in the File > Project Alternatives submenu.

Backups let you go back to earlier saved versions of a project. Each time you save a project using the File > Save menu item (or pressing Command-S), a version of the current project alternative is saved (up to ten backups per alternative). In the Project > Revert to submenu, backups for the current alternative are listed in descending order from newest to oldest.


Show/Hide All Inactive Track Alternatives — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide All Inactive Track Alternatives

Track alternatives are new to me. When mixing I normally want to change channel strip settings, not the actual music. I recognize the benefits of comping, but I don’t record multiple takes and then work with the better pieces of each.

I need to remember track alternatives. I think they will come in handy when I collaborate with other Logic users.

Use track alternatives — Logic Pro X:

You can create and edit track alternatives and switch between them. Each alternative can contain different regions or arrangements, while sharing the same channel strip and plug-ins. Track alternatives are like “playlists” for individual tracks that can be used to try out different ideas or archive tracks at different stages of development.