Set All Tracks to Automation Off ⌃⇧⌘O — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set All Tracks to Automation Off    ⌃⇧⌘O

Along with the ability to set all tracks O(ff) you can use R(ead), T(ouch), L(atch), and Write (this one is not mapped).

When it comes to automation volume/level I am far more likely to use region gain to adjust levels before I automate. That’s part of the skill/art that I need to work on. We get past the mechanics of doing the automation (and how it works) and concentrate on why it might be artful.

Many things come to mind. Time to post and continue.

Automation overview — Logic Pro X:

Automation refers to recording, editing, and playing back the movements of faders, knobs, and switches. Using automation, you can create changes over time to volume, pan, and other settings. You can add automation to all track types.


Scale of the Day — Ab Major

Ab Major / Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab / 4b Bb Eb Ab Db —
F minor / F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G / 4b Bb Eb Ab Db —

Every morning. Find the scale on the piano. Do the I / IV / I / V / V7 / I chords. Do the i / iv / i / V / V7 / i chords,

I like doing the i , i sus4, V chords as well.

I should really remember to fire up Logic Pro X with my “Quick Record” template before I hit the keyboard. The template has an audio track set to my Advanced Audio DM20 (RE20ish) and a MIDI track ready to record (E-piano).

9 Types of Bass Parts and How to Mix Them

9 Types of Bass Parts and How to Mix Them:

In this article we’re going to cover some general types of bass you might find in an arrangement, so that you may better identify the bass part, and quickly decide how to work with it. This isn’t a per-instrument list, mind you, but an organization of characteristics—functions that we can associate with different bass parts, no matter the instrument.

5 Times to Use VocalSynth 2 in a Mix

5 Times to Use VocalSynth 2 in a Mix:

If you use VocalSynth 2 or have watched our tutorials for it, you already know it’s a versatile effects engine capable of everything from subtle voice enhancement to chopped-and-pitched insanity. When you’re short on ideas, it’s encouraging to pass a vocal through and just listen to how the plug-in changes it’s characteristics, tweaking parameters to taste.

But what about some more functional applications when mixing vocals? Where can you plug VocalSynth 2 into a song to improve it? And what are the tell-tale signs a recording might need its unique assistance? In this post, I’ll answer these questions and more, giving you tips for productive vocal mixing sessions. Here are five times to use VocalSynth 2 in a mix.