Apply Transform User Preset 8 to selected Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Apply Transform User Preset  8 to selected Events

The MIDI Transform window can be opened from the Window menu, or by entering ‘⌘9’. There are 30 ‘Apply Transform User Preset … to selected Events’.

Use transform sets — Logic Pro X:

1. Choose Create New Transform Set from the Presets pop-up menu.

2. Set conditions and operations.

3. Select the “Hide unused parameters” checkbox. This helps to avoid changes to conditions and operations that aren’t required for (or may disturb) your transform set.

4. Choose New Parameter Set (Number) from the Presets pop-up menu. Enter a new name for your transform set.

This transform set now appears at the bottom of the Presets list in all MIDI Transform windows for this project. You should consider saving your user transform sets in one or more template projects. This way, they are always available to you in all future projects.

Tip: Renaming an existing transform set creates a new transform set that is identical to the original. The existing (source) transform set is retained.


Toggle writing Mute Automation in Write Mode — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle writing Mute Automation in Write Mode

This is not found in the help files, the iBook version of the manuals, or the PDF version of the manual. I have found interesting discussions about the topic for Reaper, Nuendo, ProTools, and a forum thread where someone was complaining about mute automation not working properly in “Touch” mode.

In the first case every time I get near “write” automation the warning signals flash about the destruction of all existing automation when in “Write” mode.

It never occurred to me that I could automate the mute button to silence a track while playing. My first resort would be to simply turn that part of the track into a region which I would then just remove. I can always get it back. It is visibly clear in the arrangement. Another way would be to create the region and set the region gain to minus infinity.

I guess I should try working a mixing session with things stemmed properly, put all the AUX tracks into “write” automation mode, and press play. Move the faders, change the panning push the mute button, etc.

It is certainly clear that if I did create mute automation, and it was not showing, I would wonder why some sound simply disappeared.

Automation overview — Logic Pro X:

Automation refers to recording, editing, and playing back the movements of faders, knobs, and switches. Using automation, you can create changes over time to volume, pan, and other settings. You can add automation to all track types.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Global Commands
Toggle Current Track Automation Write/Read
Toggle Current Track Automation Write Relative Mode
Toggle writing Volume Automation in Write Mode
Toggle writing Pan Automation in Write Mode
Toggle writing Mute Automation in Write Mode
Toggle writing Send Levels Automation in Write Mode
Toggle writing Plug-in parameters Automation in Write Mode
Toggle writing Solo Automation in Write Mode

Toggle Hide Group 32 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Hide Group 32

Hmm. 32 groups. The keyboard commands for 1 through 9 are ⌃⇧1 to ⌃⇧9 .

The commands do what I expect. If there is a group numbered ‘n’ the command toggles the view of the tracks/channels. Hidden, but not like “Hide Track”.

Groups appear to be very useful. I should use them more. I fooled around with them a bit to try and change colors more easily, but they do so much more.

Groups are “mixer groups”. The overview helps us get started.

Groups overview
The Mixer groups feature is only available when Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane.

Prior to mixing, you may find it useful to define some logical channel strip groups. You could, for example, group all drum channel strips under one drum group. This would allow you to control the group meters (volume, pan, mute, solo, sends, and so on) using a single control, while still maintaining the relative parameter values of each channel strip.

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “Logic Pro X User Guide.” iBooks.


Jazz Notation — The Default — deBreved — Tim Davies Website

Jazz Notation — The Default — deBreved — Tim Davies Website:

I get a lot of scores sent to me by composers and arrangers both young and old. I see a lot of things that do not need to be on the page, or are written in ways that are way more complicated than necessary. A lot of these extra indications are instructing players to perform in a way that is already covered by standard jazz performance practice, or what I call the Jazz Default. If you notate in a way that exploits this default, you will save yourself a lot of time and the players will know exactly what you mean, you do not need all the extra information.

On my blog, deBreved, I talk a lot about my concept of the Orchestral Default. In a nutshell, what does a player or section do when they see a naked note, with no articulation? If you can learn to think about this default reaction correctly, you will find many situations where you do not need to add any articulation. What happens if you add a staccato, a tenuto, an accent, or a cap

Finally — I can interpret my “Jazz Symbols” in Logic Pro X.

Show/Hide Output Channel Strips ⇧:four: — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Output Channel Strips        ⇧:four:

I have yet to find any mention of this in the user guides. The mixing overview calls the 8 buttons “filters”.

 Audio | Inst | Aux | Bus | Input | Output | Master/VCA | MIDI

I don’t often change the mixer view, but leaving out the Output strips does save a tiny bit of room.

The X-Touch has “dedicated” buttons to filter the channel strips when it is in “Global” mode. This caused me great confusion until I started the serious examination of how (and why) the Mackie Control/Logic Control is used.

Mixing overview — Logic Pro X:

When you mix a project, you balance the different parts and blend them into a cohesive whole. You can also add effects to alter the sound, use routing and grouping to control the signal flow, and use automation to create dynamic changes in your project over time. You do this in the Mixer, which opens below the Tracks area or as a separate window.