Join Regions/Notes ⌘J ⌘:four: — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Join Regions/Notes    ⌘J    ⌘:four:

Combine separate regions/notes into a single region. With audio regions, if the joined region is “contiguous” in the original audio the region is simply extended to include those selected. If there are gaps (or regions from different audio files are selected) a new audio file will be created for the joined region.

MIDI notes that are joined simply create a single note that has a duration of the sum of the durations of the joined notestime from the start of the first note to the end of the furthest away note.

Join regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can join untransposed audio regions, and join MIDI regions. Regions from audio Apple Loops, and audio regions that have been transposed, can’t be joined.


Logic Pro Expert | Learn The Secret Handshake and Become a Member of Logic’s Hidden Automation Key Combination Elite

Logic Pro | Learn The Secret Handshake and Become a Member of Logic’s Hidden Automation Key Combination Elite

One of the criticisms of Logic’s learning curve is that certain functions are not naturally “discoverable.” In other words, they are not quickly revealed to the user by hunting around the interface in the usual global, local, or contextual menus. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the area of automation. There is a myriad of “secret” mouse+modifier combinations to perform all sorts of neat circus tricks. Hold down the correct keys, and you will get acrobats swinging from trapezes and doing backward somersaults.

The Standard LUFS Standards Levels Every Mixer Should Know — Bobby Owsinski’s Music Production Blog

The Standard LUFS Standards Levels Every Mixer Should Know — Bobby Owsinski’s Music Production Blog

Looking back at the analog days, mixing level requirements seemed so easy. You aimed for 0 on the VU meter and didn’t worry too much if it bounced over. Of course, under the hood 0VU could actually be calibrated to different levels, but we usually didn’t concern ourselves too much with that as long as it was clean around the 0 mark. These days there are so many different meter reference calibrations available that it can take some time to settle on one that you feel comfortable with. That said, LUFS looms large when it comes to delivery signal levels, and that makes for lots of confusion.