8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3

8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3

by Nick Messitte, iZotope Contributor June 27, 2019

8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3
I’m a fan of unconventional automation—of manipulating parameters other than the fader or the pan pot. Perhaps an EQ curve, or the apparent width of a sound source, deserves the automated treatment.

Now that Neutron 3 has arrived, we have ample opportunities to automate a whole host of variables in one CPU-friendly channel strip plug-in. So I thought it wise to dive into things we can automate in Neutron 3 for creative and utilitarian effect.

I like the “drums in the chorus” idea for variety.

8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3

8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3

by Nick Messitte, iZotope Contributor June 27, 2019

8 Tips for Automating Neutron 3
I’m a fan of unconventional automation—of manipulating parameters other than the fader or the pan pot. Perhaps an EQ curve, or the apparent width of a sound source, deserves the automated treatment.

Now that Neutron 3 has arrived, we have ample opportunities to automate a whole host of variables in one CPU-friendly channel strip plug-in. So I thought it wise to dive into things we can automate in Neutron 3 for creative and utilitarian effect.

I like the “drums in the chorus” idea for variety.

9 Tips for Using Sculptor in Neutron 3

9 Tips for Using Sculptor in Neutron 3

by Nick Messitte, iZotope Contributor June 24, 2019

The new Sculptor module in Neutron 3
Neutron has a brand spanking new module called Sculptor, so we thought we’d give you some concrete uses for when and how to implement Neutron 3’s newest family member.

I’m looking forward to the conceptual de-esser.

Create Group… ⌃G — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Create Group…    ⌃G

This ‘group’ command involves “audio file groups” which are the strict purview of the Project Audio window. There are a significant set of commands and activities related to file management that simply don’t apply in most of my work. I either create the recordings directly, or more typically, import audio files that are recorded by someone else.

I can imagine situations where audio file management could be very important, (e.g. film work with foley, efx, and music cues) where there are lots of files to be managed.

Sort, group, and rename audio files — Logic Pro X

The Project Audio Browser lists all audio files in your project, along with information about file sampling rate, bit depth, format (mono/stereo), and size. Within the Project Audio Browser, you can sort, group, and rename your audio files.


Hide All Empty Tracks — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Hide All Empty Tracks

Hides all empty tracks. Simple, straightforward. Does the screen flash “complaint” if there are no empty tracks to be hidden.