Show Detailed Help ⌘/ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show Detailed Help    ⌘/

This is the fastest way to find out how something works. Open the Key Commands Edit window (⌥K), type in a bit of the command name so it appears in the list. Move the cursor over the command and type ⌘/ — if there is help available it will open in the help window.

Remarkably useful.

How to get help — Logic Pro X

Logic Pro provides several ways for you to get answers to questions, learn about controls and functions while you’re working, and view detailed information about all aspects of the app. You can also view information directly in the app using the Quick Help feature.


Select Equal Colored Channel Strips ⇧C — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select Equal Colored Channel Strips    ⇧C

In the Mixer. Using the visual cues to help work with a project seems more useful with larger/multiple screens. Certainly handy when trying to grab all the AUX channels.

This makes a case for being consistent with color coding.

Channel strip types — Logic Pro X

You use channel strips to process audio or MIDI information that is routed from tracks. The Mixer shows all channel strips in your project, including track channel strips, auxiliary and output channel strips, VCA channel strips, and the master channel strip. When you create a new project, the Mixer already includes channel strips for any audio, instrument, and MIDI tracks in your template, as well as the master channel strip and one or more output channel strips depending on your audio interface. As you add audio, instrument, and MIDI tracks to your projects, channel strips are added to the Mixer for each new track.


Tracks area overview — Logic Pro X

Tracks area overview — Logic Pro X

The Tracks area is where you arrange regions to build your project. The Tracks area, located in the center of the Logic Pro main window, shows a visual representation of time moving from left to right. You build your project by arranging regions in rows, called tracks, that run from the beginning to the end of the Tracks area.

It’s like the roadmap.

Projects overview — Logic Pro X

Projects overview — Logic Pro X

A project is a Logic Pro document that contains all of your recordings, the location of media files you add, and all the changes you make. You start working in Logic Pro by creating a project, or opening an existing project. You can have multiple projects open at the same time, and transfer media and other data between them.

This is a good, brief overview of what a project is.

What is Logic Pro? — Logic Pro X

What is Logic Pro? — Logic Pro X

Logic Pro is a powerful, full-featured music app with all the tools you need to create professional-quality music productions. You can record, arrange, and edit audio and MIDI regions, add high-quality effects, mix your music in stereo or surround, and export the final mix in a variety of formats for distribution.

Bird’s eye view of where we are headed…