Nudge Position Right ⌃⌥⌘→ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Position Right    ⌃⌥⌘→

Nudge the current note/region to the right by the “nudge amount”.

The temporary Nudge mode of the X-Touch lets you choose the size of the nudge, just turn the appropriate V-Pot.

I’m not convinced that I have figured out all of the default nudge functions on the X-Touch — time for homework.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X:

You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.

Side note — nudging regions from X-Touch? The answer is yes.

Mackie Control Nudge button overview — Control Surfaces Help:

The NUDGE button allows you to move (nudge) selected audio or MIDI regions (or events) in Small, Large, or Temporary Nudge mode.


Go to Previous Transient ⌥← — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Go to Previous Transient   ⌥←

Move the cursor to the previous transient. In the Audio File Editor.

For most of my purposes I find that I want to move region start points to transients so the ‘Forward by Transient’ command is the simplest way for me to get the playhead where I want it.


Control Multiple Instruments on Different MIDI Channels — Logic Pro Help

Control Multiple Instruments on Different MIDI Channels — Logic Pro Help

Controlling multiple instruments on different MIDI channels in Logic is easy, and it does not require you to ever open the environment! It also allows you to record different controller keyboards on different software instrument or external MIDI tracks. Whether you’re trying to use an external sequencer (like an MPC 2000, or even another computer running Logic) to trigger instruments within Logic, or whether you’re simply trying to play different instruments using different MIDI controllers, read on.

Edit Project Alternatives — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Edit Project Alternatives

I use Project Alternatives a lot. I find them very valuable when working with long sessions like a live set. I create regions and markers for each “song” in the set and create a different alternative for working on each song.

When editing alternatives you can rename or remove them.


Pro De-Esser Tips for Better Sounding Vocals — Produce Like A Pro

Pro De-Esser Tips for Better Sounding Vocals — Produce Like A Pro

Manual de-essing means grabbing all the sibilant parts of a vocal and clip-gaining them down. If this sounds ridiculous and annoying, it is, but it’s totally worth it the hassle. When you take the time to go over edits like this, the result can sound much more natural “automatic” de-essers.

I love these folks. Such useful information just because…