Recall Screenset 5x ⇧5 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Recall Screenset 5x    ⇧5

Recall screenset(s) 50 through 59. There can be 99 screensets — a lot, but you could use a screenset per scene in a video, possibly.

Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X

You position windows in a layout that suits the way you work. This layout of various windows, including their display size, zoom levels, position, and other settings, is called a screenset. Once defined, you can save, and freely switch between different screensets, much as you might between different computer displays.

Create and recall screensets in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You don’t need to save screensets with an explicit command. It happens automatically, as soon as you switch to another screenset. Thus, without any effort, your current working view is always stored as the current screenset.

Select Next Project — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Select Next Project

You can have multiple projects open at the same time. Typical advice is to not do this. Which project is “next”? The behavior is not documented anywhere, as well as a lack of documentation describing how projects are numbers — see the ‘Open Project nn’ commands.

Open Logic Pro projects — Apple Support

You can open an existing project to continue working. You can also open several projects simultaneously, allowing you to copy or move data between them, or to compare different versions of a project.

Marquee Ruler — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Marquee Ruler

Display the Marquee Stripe which is just below the time/bars rulers, and above the global tracks. It is very thin, and hard to detect with the modern, dark background to windows. I have “Set Locators by Marquee Selection” turned on most of  the time so I can see the selection in the ruler — much more visible.

In Logic Pro 9 the Marquee stripe was above the rulers. Current documentation says this is still the case (in words) so you have to look at the picture closely to determine that the stripe is actually below the playhead ruler.

Select parts of regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

You can select and edit parts of one or more regions, using the Marquee tool or the marquee stripe:

Open Audio File Editor… ⌘6 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Shows Audio File Editor interface
  Open Audio File Editor…    ⌘6

Opens the Audio File Editor to work with the current track’s audio file. NB the Audio File editor is destructive!

Logic Pro Audio File Editor overview — Apple Support

Most day-to-day audio editing tasks in Logic Pro are performed in the main window and Audio Track Editor. The Audio File Editor is useful for removing pops and clicks in audio material, setting accurate crossover points for looped playback, correcting phase cancellation errors, and more.

You can use the Audio File Editor to work with transient markers that indicate significant points—or transients—in an audio file. The audio on a track is analyzed for transients the first time you enable that track for Flex Time editing. Any detected transients in the file are marked.

Important: Most edits and functions performed in the Audio File Editor are destructive. This means the actual data of audio files is changed. Although you can undo edits and processing commands, you should work with copies of your audio files, rather than the originals.