How to EQ a Pop Vocal

How to EQ a Pop Vocal

by Erin Barra, iZotope Contributor May 12, 2020

Pop vocals tend to have the same sort of sound when they hit our ears. People use words like bright, shiny, crisp, and airy to describe them, and you can hear this sound on loads of tracks at the top of charts across genres. Let’s take a look at how to achieve that same sound and make a vocal POP right out of your mix.

iZotope RX 7 Music Rebalance Module — How To Get The Best Out Of This Powerful Tool | Production Expert

iZotope RX 7 Music Rebalance Module — How To Get The Best Out Of This Powerful Tool | Production Expert

In this extended tutorial, iZotope’s Mike Metlay dives into the machine learning tech behind Music Rebalance in RX 7, its basic functionality, and some of the cool things you can do with it, from subtle and magical to over-the-top crazy. Let’s learn the basics of how Music Rebalance works, and how to use it, before moving onto getting weird and pushing it beyond the normal settings.

Open Instrument — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open Instrument

EXS24 command. Very large topic. Some day if I decide to do sampling or make sample-based instruments I will dive in. This should also include Alchemy.

EXS24 mkII overview — Logic Pro X

EXS24 mkII is a software sampler. It plays back audio files, called samples, that you load into it. These samples are combined into tuned, organized collections called sampler instruments. Because sampler instruments are based on audio recordings, they are ideally suited to emulating real instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums.

Alchemy overview — Logic Pro X

Alchemy is an easy-to-use, yet powerful sample manipulation synthesizer. It offers numerous real-time performance controls and an extensive preset library.