Scrivener as Notebook

I am convinced that Scrivener is my tool of choice (for this season).

I am convinced that my “binders” do not want to be the giant “D-ring” style from huge notebooks, rather the simple stiff paper with folding clamps, not more that 30-50 pages.

Currently saving “courses” that have videos and text in a project. Save the video to disk. “File” it in the project. Drop in PDF files when I can. “Print” web pages to the project for capturing notes.

I really like watching the video sessions in the “Quick Ref” window — video on top, notes on bottom. I can easily enter my notes, speed up the video when required.

More to come.

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I have finally placed a number of binders onto my One Drive space (most room, easy access, works fine). In my Dock I have a folder called “Binders” which I can use to open the relevant binder. Once binder is open I can “file” things easily, which is usually a “Print to Scrivener” command from the browser.

Binders are…

  • Dueling Mixes
  • Ear Training
  • Harrison MixBus
  • Logic Pro X
  • Produce Like a Pro Academy
  • ScrivenerAlt
  • Studio Intern Guide
  • Studio One
  • iZotope Tools

The odd one is ‘ScivenerAlt’. I took the concept of NValt and started saving clippings, notes, webpages, basically everything, into a Scrivener project. Way more entertaining given that I am using Scrivener as my notebooks.

I have taken to creating separate Scrivener projects for “courses” that consist of multiple webpages and/or videos. Everything about the course winds up in the project. I can take notes while watching the videos, listen to audio, and generally keep myself focused. That’s hard to do! Really.